A good visualisation is never built in a single sitting. It always starts basic, inadequate, ugly even. It takes time to transform it into something worth any attention.
This session focuses on building plots using the grammar of graphics –how you can build any graph from three elements: 1) data, 2) a coordinate system, and 3) visual marks that represent each data point. This will serve as an introduction to ggplot2, which is a powerful visualisation package from the tidyverse.
To get us started, we’ll tell a story of how to visualise cross-country comparisons of GDP per capita. The first chapter: importing the data into R.
To begin, we look for the data we need. The Maddison Project has data in Excel and Stata to download (see here), but there is a better way to get it. Accessing OWID’s repository is two clicks away from Google, and when we find the data we want, we copy the URL that leads us directly to the raw data. Using the read_csv() function, we can easily import the data into R.
One thing you’ll notice about the data is that it only has country names. No regions, continents, of other geographical aggregates.
We’ll use the incredibly handy countrycodes package to add regions and country ISO3 codes, which is a convention that will save you a lot of time and headaches from country names spelled differently, or in other languages. We’ll also use the clean_names() function from the janitor package to handle the long and capitalized names of the variables in the data easily.
The end of inconsistent contry names/codes: countrycodes
Country names and codes are a headache. They often come in different naming conventions, different spelling or special characters. countrycodes package solves the problem by looking in a huge library of spellings and coding conventions, so you can have retrieve the names or codes for countries and regions as needed.
Take 1: A first, very ugly, graph
With the data downloaded into R, and the country regions and codes added to it, we can make our first plot. We filter the data for the year 1990 and feed it to ggplot. Given that reach region has multiple countries, we’d like to plot the distribution of GDP per capita within each region. There are many geometries in ggplot that accomplish this, so we’ll use the simplest one geom_boxplot().
Notice that within ggplot we don’t use the pipe anymore: to add options, we use the + operator.
Start with the raw data and save to a new data frame
We clean the variable names using the clean_names() function and shorten even further the GDP per capita variable name using rename()
Add country 3-digit ISO code and region using the countrycodes() function
Filter for year 1990
Pipe data into ggplot and define X and Y axis
Show a boxplot
Let’s send the result to the console to see it
A first, ugly, plot
Learn to love the pipe
The pipe |> or %>% lets you sequentially chain many operations together and avoid “Russian doll” coding, where you put operations within operations and get quickly get lost on which parenthesis closes which operation.
The pipe is very simple: x |> f(y) is equivalent to f(x,y). Learn to love it.
Confused? Think of |> as a Matryoshka of sequential instructions
This plot already tells us a few things. First, some regions have more variability than others because they have more countries. North America is composed of three countries only, and the box plot doesn’t do a good job in showing the differences. Perhaps we want a continent variable instead of region.
We can also see that the labels overlap and are hard to read, the labels of the axis are not super clear, we have an NA region, and the graph lacks a title and a source. We have a lot of work ahead.
Take 2: Reorder, log, remove defaults
We’ll change the aggregate axis from region to continent using countrycode() again and remove subregion aggregates, filtering all empty values of the continent variable using the filter() function and the is.na() function preceded by *!* operator, which does the inverse of any function (as in !x = not x).
Then we create an ordering variable to sort the continents from higher to lower median GDP per capita levels using group_by() and mutate(). We can then reorder our continent variable using this newly-created median by factoring the variable and using this median to order it with fct_reorder(). As we are dealing with a wide range of GDP per capita levels, we can also change the scale of the axis to a logarithmic scale using scale_x_log10().
By default, the plot includes a grey background and other features we can do without. We use a theme that cleans the plot from background colors and other features that ggplot uses by default. The clean theme we use is theme_classic(), which makes the plot more focused in the information being conveyed.
We do all this in the same pipe we built before, and this is the result:
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library(tidyverse)library(countrycode) # Data ####owid_maddison_proj_df2 <- owid_maddison_proj_df |> dplyr::mutate(continent = countrycode::countrycode(sourcevar = iso3c, origin ="iso3c", destination ="continent"))# New attempt ####maddison_proj_2 <- owid_maddison_proj_df2 |> dplyr::filter(year==1990, !is.na(continent)) |> dplyr::group_by(continent) |> dplyr::mutate(m_gdppc =median(gdppc, na.rm=TRUE)) |> dplyr::ungroup() |> dplyr::mutate(continent =fct_reorder(continent, m_gdppc)) |>ggplot(aes(x=continent,y=gdppc))+geom_boxplot()+scale_y_log10()+theme_classic()+theme(legend.position ="none")# See the result ####maddison_proj_2
We save a new data frame with the continent option
Add continent variable
Filter for the year we want and drop countries with no continent matched using !is.na()
Group the data by continent
Create a new variable with the median of GDP per capita in each continent
Return to all data by ungrouping
Reorder the variable using factors
Pipe into ggplot and define X and Y axis
Show a boxplot
Display the axis in log scale
Use a theme that cleans the background
We suppress the legend everywhere with this option
A second, clearer, plot
Keep your raw data free from your own mistakes
Creating Data and Modifying Data are totally different processes. Follow the seemingly trivial rule of never modifying your raw data to avoid making really big mistakes in your data workflow that can seriously undermine any project. Always create new objects based on the raw data instead of overwriting it.
Take 3: Re-scale axis
We can improve the figure by transforming the X axis to logarithm using scale_x_log10():
Now we add points for each data point around the boxplot using geom_jitter(), which adds random noise to each point so they don’t overlap. We’ll include a shape option to give a different shape to the points of each continent.We also use the RColorBrewer package to set a nicer color palette for each continent, and change the intensity of the color of outlier points using the outlier.alpha option within the geom.
Show jittered points colored by continent, with random noise so they don’t overlap
Set a color palette for continents
A forth attempt, adding more features
Take 5: Doing labels right
Finally we add labels, titles and subtitles. We also will create floating labels for one country in each continent: China, Mexico, Australia, France and Nigeria, which we filter within the geom. Notice how the data is filtered for only this text geom. We use the . operator, which is used to work from whatever data comes down the pipe, and then we filter the three countries we want to label.
We use ggrepel package for this.The geom_label_repel() will make sure the labels don’t overlap by, as the name suggests, repelling them from one another. We add the option position_jitter() so that the labels match the points with random noise that we had included when using geom_point() using the same positioning.
We also replace the scaling of the Y axis to something more flexible, using scale_y_continuous() and adding a few things to it: the breaks option, so the labels shown make more sense for this scaling, and number formatting using number_format().
How do I handle long labels? Use scales
Sometimes you have very long or uneven text in an axis or legend, which makes the plot look terrible. Using the scales package, you can fix this by wrapping the label by a desired number of characters. Use the label = scales::label_wrap() option when labeling text to break across lines.
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library(tidyverse)library(ggrepel)library(RColorBrewer)# A fifth visual ####maddison_proj_5 <- owid_maddison_proj_df2 |> dplyr::filter(year==1990, !is.na(continent)) |> dplyr::group_by(continent) |> dplyr::mutate(m_gdppc =median(gdppc, na.rm=TRUE)) |> dplyr::ungroup() |> dplyr::mutate(continent =fct_reorder(continent, m_gdppc)) |>ggplot(aes(y=continent,x=gdppc, color=continent))+geom_boxplot(outlier.alpha=0.5)+geom_point(aes(shape=continent), alpha=0.4, position =position_jitter(seed =1))+ ggrepel::geom_label_repel(data = . %>% dplyr::filter(country %in%c("Mexico","China","Nigeria","France","Australia")),aes(label=country),size=3, color="black",position =position_jitter(seed =1) )+scale_x_continuous(trans ="log10", labels = scales::number_format(big.mark=" "))+scale_color_brewer(palette="Set1")+labs(y =NULL, x ="GDP per capita",title ="Maddison Project - GDP per capita in 1990",subtitle ="GDP per capita",caption ="Source: Own calculations based on Maddison Project and OWID GitHub")+theme_classic()+theme(legend.position ="none",axis.text.y =element_text(size =14) )# Display plot ####maddison_proj_5
You can control the data that goes into each layer of ggplot2. The . operator stands for whatever data is in the ggplot() function at the top of the pipe, and you can pipe in more operations that apply only to this layer.
Filter Mexico, China, Nigeria and 1990 only for this geom.
Add an arrow().
Notice we add position to align the labels with the jittering.
Improve the log scale display using breaks and space between thousands digits using number_format()
Add multiple labels to the plot: title, subtitle, caption
Increase size of continent axis label and drop the legend
A fifth version
Take 6: Facets
The final graph is going to take advantage of the fact that we have data for all countries for multiple years, and we can compare two moments in time instead of sticking with one cross section. So let’s compare 1990 to 2015 using faceting.
Faceting is a way to create multiple plots that share the same structure and axes but show different parts of data. You can use the facet_wrap() or facet_grid() to create faceted plots and break down your data into smaller, more manageable groups, and visualize them separately.
facet_wrap() is used when you want to create a single row or column of plots, where each plot represents a different part of your data. You specify the variable to facet on using the ~ symbol, and the number of columns or rows you want using the ncol or nrow arguments. We use nrow=2 so the two graphs, for 1990 and 2015, appear one on top of the other.
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library(tidyverse)library(ggrepel)library(RColorBrewer)# New version with facets ####maddison_proj_6 <- owid_maddison_proj_df2 |> dplyr::filter(year %in%c(1990,2015), !is.na(continent)) |> dplyr::group_by(year, continent) |> dplyr::mutate(m_gdppc =median(gdppc, na.rm=TRUE)) |> dplyr::ungroup() |> dplyr::mutate(continent =fct_reorder(continent, m_gdppc)) |>ggplot(aes(y=continent,x=gdppc, color=continent))+geom_boxplot(outlier.alpha=0.5)+geom_point(aes(shape=continent), alpha=0.4, position =position_jitter(seed =1))+ ggrepel::geom_label_repel(data = . %>% dplyr::filter(country %in%c("Mexico","China","Nigeria","France","Australia")),aes(label=country), size=3, color="black", arrow =arrow(type ="closed"),position =position_jitter(seed =1))+scale_x_continuous(trans ="log10",labels = scales::number_format(big.mark=" "))+scale_color_brewer(palette="Set1")+facet_wrap(~year, nrow=2)+labs(x =NULL, y ="GDP per capita",title ="Maddison Project - GDP per capita in 1990 vs 2015",subtitle ="GDP per capita",caption ="Source: Own calculations based on Maddison Project and OWID GitHub") +theme_classic()+theme(legend.position ="none",axis.text.y =element_text(size =14) )# Display plot ####maddison_proj_6
Faceting means splitting the graph into multiple parts based on one or multiple variables
A new version, with faceting
Final take: Themes
The final transformation involves themes. They are an essential part of the grammar, helping you control the non-data parts of their plots, such as titles, labels, fonts, background, grid lines, and more. The list is loooong. The idea is to make it easy to modify the appearance of plots without changing the underlying data or the type of plot.
We will use another package hrbrthemes to finish our plot. Notice that I just add a new layer to the earlier figure. We use the theme_ipsum_rc() function and this is the result:
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library(tidyverse)library(ggrepel)library(RColorBrewer)library(hrbrthemes)# A final visual ####maddison_proj_7 <- maddison_proj_6 + hrbrthemes::theme_ipsum_rc()+theme(legend.position ="none",axis.text.y =element_text(size =12) )# Display plot ####maddison_proj_7
A final version, with a predfined theme
Before and after
The plot is not yet ready for publication; there are other improvements we could do.
But let’s compare where we started and where we are now:
Figure 1: The story of a plot
PART II: Feel the music: Spotify
Thanks to Spotify API, we can access a wealth of data on artists, songs, etc. APIs are front doors to access databases online, and they are a wonderful resource. To access Spotify’s API, we need to have an account and ask permission. You can go to the developer login and request one. You will receive a client ID and a client secret code that will connect your computer to the API to make requests for data.
We will use the spotifyr package to download the info. The data usually needs an artist ID to retrieve information, so we build a quick function to extract the name of the artist we need so we can download the data we want. We then get the data for Radiohead. Why? I love Radiohead.
Let’s start with the music, downloading all the discography.
Get your own Spotify tokens!
Create and use your own Spotifyr token and secret code in the developer page
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library(tidyverse)library(spotifyr)# Set Client ID and Client Secret - Use your own ! ####Sys.setenv(SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID = my_spotify_id)Sys.setenv(SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET = my_spotify_secret)# Save access token ####spotify_access_token <-get_spotify_access_token()# Get artist ID based on name ####spotify_id <-function(artist_name) {spotifyr::search_spotify(print(artist_name), type ="artist") |> dplyr::arrange(desc(popularity)) |> dplyr::select(id) |> dplyr::slice(1) |>as.character()}# using the function we can identify the ID for Radiohead spotify_id("Radiohead")# Download all discography for Radiohead ####radiohead_spotify <- spotifyr::get_artist_audio_features(artist ="4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb",include_groups ="album",authorization = spotify_access_token )
You need to replace my_spotify_id and my_spotify_secret with your own tokens
Save your token to your environment so you can use it later
Learn to create your own functions. Functions take user-defined inputs and produce outputs. In this case, our function takes the name of an artists and returns the Spotify artist ID for the closest match.
We use our function to look for the ID of Radiohead
We use the get_artist_audio_features() function to download all data related to Radiohead’s songs. First, we use the artist_id. Then we use an option to download all albums and, finally, we provide our API key —the token we need to use to access the data.
[1] "Radiohead"
[1] "4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb"
Dance Thom, dance!
Now let’s compare some musical features of Radiohead’s studio albums. We will plot valence, tempo, energy and danceability.
Danceability: describes how suitable a track is for dancing based on a combination of musical elements including tempo, rhythm stability, beat strength, and overall regularity. A value of 0 is least danceable and 1 is most danceable.
Thom Yorke, Lotus Flower
Energy: a measure from 0 to 1 and represents a perceptual measure of intensity and activity. Typically, energetic tracks feel fast, loud, and noisy. For example, death metal has high energy, while a Bach prelude scores low on the scale. Perceptual features contributing to this attribute include dynamic range, perceived loudness, timbre, onset rate, and general entropy.
Tempo: estimated tempo of a track in beats per minute (BPM). In musical terminology, tempo is the speed or pace of a given piece and derives directly from the average beat duration.
Valence: a measure from 0 to 1 describing the musical positiveness conveyed by a track. Tracks with high valence sound more positive (e.g. happy, cheerful, euphoric), while tracks with low valence sound more negative (e.g. sad, depressed, angry).
Looking at the density of each variable for every album, we can see that A Moon Shaped Pool, their latest album and most mellow-sounding one, has the least energy, while The King of Limbs, which include the awesome track Lotus Flower, is the most energetic one.
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library(ggridges) # Overlaying density plots, perfect for probabilistic inferencelibrary(RColorBrewer) radiohead_spotify |> dplyr::filter(album_name %in%c("Pablo Honey","The Bends","OK Computer","Kid A","Amnesiac","Hail To the Thief","In Rainbows","The King Of Limbs","A Moon Shaped Pool")) %>% tidyr::pivot_longer(cols =c("valence","tempo","danceability","energy"), names_to ="metric") |>ggplot(aes(x = value, y = album_name, fill=factor(metric))) +geom_density_ridges(show.legend =FALSE) +theme_ridges() +labs(title ="Radiohead - Musical features of studio albums",subtitle ="Based on Spotify's Web API with spotifyr",y=NULL,x=NULL)+facet_wrap(~metric, scales ="free_x", nrow =2)+scale_fill_manual(values =c("gold2","orangered2","royalblue2","forestgreen"))
We start with the data
We filter the studio albums using the x %in% y operator, which stands for x is a subset of y.
Do you remember endlessly Googling reshape in Stata? No more. We pivot the data such that each of the chose variables goes from a column to a row.
We pipe in the data into ggplot and define the aesthetics: what goes where.
With the ggridges package we use a better geometry for the data, overlaping density plots. We use the option show.legend=FALSE.
We add some labels to the plot
Remember faceting? Now we make use of the pivot longer form to make 4 facets of the plot in 2 rows
We apply a manual color scale, such that each variable has a color
Dance Thom, dance!
Pivoting with tidyr, or the joy of never having to Google reshape again
Pivoting with tidyr involves transforming data from a long format to a wide format, and vice versa.
The pivot_longer() function helps you convert data from a wide format to a long format by stacking multiple columns into a single column while preserving the relationship between variables. You specify cols = c(A, B) to indicate which columns should be transformed into a single variable column, and names_to = "variable" and values_to = "value" to specify the names of the resulting columns.
The pivot_wider() function allows you to spread values across new columns based on a specified variable. You specify names_from = variable to indicate that the variable column should be used as the column names in the resulting wide data frame, and values_from = value to indicate that the value column contains the data to be spread across the columns.
What it feels like to never Google reshape again
Comparing musical tastes
Let’s have some fun with the Spotify data.
Below we’ll compare a metric for some artists, our favorites. It takes a while for the code to run, so be patient.
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library(tidyverse)favorites <-tribble(~name,~artist,"zelie","The Strokes","romane","Ben Howard","nelson","Foals","rossana","Imagine Dragons","emma","Paolo Nutini","shivona","Milky Chance","valeria","Florence + The Machine","maelle","Michael Kiwanuka" ) |> dplyr::rowwise() |> dplyr::mutate(artist_id =spotify_id(artist))# Now we can save all discographies into a list by using a loop ####favorites_music <-list()# Now we loop, or boucle if you're French ####for(i in favorites$artist_id) { favorites_music[[i]] <- spotifyr::get_artist_audio_features(artist =print(i),include_groups ="album",authorization = spotify_access_token)}
We create a list of favorites artists using tribble, a function we can use to manually create rectangular databases on the fly. First row uses the ~ operator to name variables and the rest are the values of each observation. We use rowwise to make an operation along each row, and create a new variable that holds the artist ID by using the function we created above.
First we create an empty list where we will store the data
Now we run a for loop over our favorite artist tribble() that will save each discography as an element of our list.
tibble: Using the tibble() function, you can create a new data frame from vectors. Each argument to tibble() becomes a column in the tibble, and you can use it to quickly assemble data frames without having to transpose or reshape the data.
tribble: Using the tribble() function, which stands for transposed tibble, you can easily do manual entry of data. The syntax of tribble() is useful for creating small data frames in a readable way, and involves specifying the column headers followed by the values row by row. For example, tribble(~x, ~y, 1, "a", 2, "b") creates a tibble with 2 columns (x, y) and 2 observations (x = c(1,2), y = c(“a”,“b”)).
library(tidyverse)library(MetBrewer) # MET color palettesfavorites_music |> purrr::map_df(bind_rows) |> dplyr::left_join(favorites, by="artist_id") |>ggplot(aes(y=energy,x=valence,color=artist_name))+geom_point(aes(shape=artist_name))+geom_hline(yintercept =0.5)+geom_vline(xintercept =0.5)+annotate("text", x =0.1, y =1, label ="Turbulent/Angry")+annotate("text", x =0.8, y =1, label ="Happy/Joyful")+annotate("text", x =0.1, y =0.1, label ="Sad/Depressing")+annotate("text", x =0.8, y =0.11, label ="Chill/Peaceful")+ MetBrewer::scale_color_met_d(name ="Ingres")+scale_shape_manual(values =c(1:8))+theme_classic()+theme(legend.position ="top",legend.title =element_blank())
Now we run a for loop over our favorite artist tribble that will save each discography as an element of our list.
Now we put all discographies together using map function, which binds all rows from each discography together in a dataframe. We then merge/join the data using left_join().
Pipe in the data into ggplot
Create a first geometry and vary the point by artist using shape
Add some lines to create 4 quadrants
Include the name of each quadrant using annotate
Use a color palette from the MetBrewer package. We pick Ingres.
Specify the shapes of points manually
Use a theme that cleans the plot from noisy background
Position the legend at the top of the figure
Eliminate the title of the legend.
We’re missing out, let’s make this interactive with Plotly
With a single step we can make this plot interactive using the plotly library. Plotly is an incredibly powerful visualisation tool, but it has a different syntax from ggplot, so be careful not to confuse one with the other.
We can turn a ggplot2 figure into an interactive plot easily using the ggplotly() function. Look at the trick in the geom_point() function to make the tooltip work well.
Plotly wraps well around ggplot, and gives additional funcionalities with very little additional coding.
esquisse is a package that allows you to create and edit a plot using point-click. It will appear as an Add-in like shown below or you can launch it in the console using esquisser().
We can create multiple graphs that interact with each other using the ggiraph package.
We’ll add time to the first plot we made in this session. First, we will create two visualisations that will be connected to one another: a line that tracks GDP per capita through time, and a distributional plot like the latest version of the plot above.
We create each one separately using the extended geoms that the ggiraph package includes, which has the option _interactive at the end of geoms we already know. So we’ll use geom_point_interactive() for the line plot and geom_boxplot_interactive() for the distributional plot, and connect them to each other with the data_id and tooltip options.
We can then add both plots (literally, add them using the patchwork package) inside of girafe() in the ggobj option. Using the function plot_annotation() we can add title, subtitle and caption in a way that applies to both plots.
The result is two graphs that interact through the data_id and tooltip aesthetics.
What did we accomplish here? Simple: not overloading information into a single graph.
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library(tidyverse)library(RColorBrewer)library(ggiraph) # To create interactive plotslibrary(patchwork) # To add plots together# GDP per capita through time by continent ####maddison_time <- owid_maddison_proj_df2 |> dplyr::filter(year>=1950,!is.na(continent)) |> dplyr::group_by(year, continent) |> dplyr::summarise(m_gdppc =median(gdppc, na.rm=TRUE)) |>ggplot(aes(x=year,y=m_gdppc, color=continent))+geom_path_interactive(aes(data_id=continent, tooltip=continent))+scale_x_log10()+scale_color_brewer(palette="Set1")+labs(x =NULL, y ="GDP per capita") +theme_classic()+theme(legend.position ="none")# Distribution of GDP per capita by continent ####maddison_continent <- owid_maddison_proj_df2 |> dplyr::filter(year>=1950,!is.na(continent)) |>ggplot(aes(y=continent,x=gdppc, color=continent, fill=continent))+geom_jitter(color="grey90")+geom_violin(alpha=0.4)+geom_boxplot_interactive(aes(data_id=continent, tooltip=continent))+scale_x_continuous(trans ="log10",labels = scales::number_format(big.mark=" "))+scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1")+labs(x =NULL, y ="GDP per capita") +theme_classic()+theme(legend.position ="none")# Combines the two plots into one ####ggiraph::girafe(ggobj = maddison_time + maddison_continent +plot_annotation(title ='Maddison Project - GDP per capita since 1950',subtitle ='GDP per capita by continent',caption ='Source: Own calculations based on Maddison Project and OWID'),options =list(opts_hover_inv(css ="opacity:0.1;")),width_svg =10,height_svg =6)
To create a summary statistic by year and continent, we first group the data
We use summarise() that will return only the computed tabulated result
We use the ggiraph geom –notice the _interactive and the extra content in the aesthetics: data_id and tooltip.
We add points and a violin geometries
We add the interactive boxplot using the data_id and tooltip
We open the girafe() function to add the interactive graphs
Using the patchwork package we can layout multiple plots together
We can define annotations that will apply to all plots
We make the selection salient by making the rest less visible using opts_hover_inv()
We define the size of the plot
Using 🦒 in Spotify data to create a fancy tooltip
Using girafe we can also improve the Spotify music profile and add the cover image of each album to each point using htmltools and CSS to place the elements where we want.
The most difficult step is creating a variable that extracts the album cover we want from the data, as it is hidden inside of a list column. map() handles that pretty well, and then we create a tooltip using the URL for each album cover by pasting HTML tags.
This line is tricky but very cool! First we use a map() function to go over the album images variable in every observation, and we ask it to pluck out the second element in the second column using the aptly named pluck() function.
We create a tooltip with HTML tags for the album cover, using CSS flexbox to place elements together.
🏗 Practice 2: Music
Create your own Spotify API tokens (client ID and client secret)
Compare the song valence for the entire discography of your 4 favorite artists. Describe the result
Import an indicator from the OWID GitHub repositories and plot it
Look for a dataset from the RDataset collection and create two side-by-side visualisations using ggiraph
author = {Amaya, Nelson},
title = {Everything in Its Right Place 🎼},
date = {2022-07-31},
url = {https://r4dev.netlify.app/sessions_workshop/02-plots/02-plots},
langid = {en}