Blogging with Quarto ๐
Learn to work with Quarto, to write prose and analise data at the same time. Create and update a blog using Quarto and then publish it online using Netlify
More fiction is written in Excel than in Word
๐ R4DEV ๐ is designed to teach you how to do reproducible data analysis and visualisation using R and RStudio1. You will learn to handle and import online data, to make all sorts of plots, maps and animations, and even create apps and websites using free open-source tools. Check out all the things you can expect to learn.
The workshop is committed to work with the tidyverse2.
All progress is piecemeal, so the workshop is in permanent state of improvement. Make sure you check the website regularly for updates, new material and corrections.
Download the RStudio cheat sheets
Thanks to Zรฉlie, Rebecca, Rossana, Romane, Emma, Shivona, Maรซlle and others who tested, often with their patience, earlier versions of this workshop.โฉ๏ธ
The tidyverse is a collection of R packages designed for data science. All packages share an underlying design philosophy, grammar, and data structures. Install the complete tidyverse with: install.packages("tidyverse")
. If you prefer base R code, suit yourself but I do not recommend it.โฉ๏ธ